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April Update

It's all a bit weird isn't it? The second half of March has been an absolute mind blow and we are all adjusting to new ways of living and working. Thank you for your get well wishes recently it's very kind of you and I am progressing well with physio and getting back to normal...this was going to be a 6 month change for me but amongst everything else that is going on I am quite comfortable being at home and working on line and just getting stronger. 

I felt awkward at the beginning advertising Nifty & Co's capacity to sell on line but I really have no choice if the shop is to survive as we move forward. Both Nifty & Blissful Bakes have a continued rent to pay and insurances etc so we just have to do what ever we can to tick over until we get back to our spaces in some form.

For the month of April any on line orders for £40 plus with Nifty will be eligible for a cupcake voucher from Blissful Bakes (4 cupcakes that you can have at a time convenient for you before the end of the year). I appreciate this is easily done if you are local and able to collect your cakes yourself so I will also add a discount code for any orders over £40 on line for those who live elsewhere and this will be available from 6pm this evening. 

The new collection of Gifts,Accessories and Home have been added to the website and these items are all sent direct to you from the supplier within approx 5 days (not including weekends). I will continue to add goodies to this section over the coming days.

This on line stuff is keeping me focused and in between that it's taking time to sit in the garden and read, relax and remind myself that there will be better months to come. If anyone needs to chat please do not hesitate to get in touch with me, talking over our worries and fears or even to share joys is important - there will always be a listening ear and an open heart for any one of us. Please stay well and keep safe.

Love From Zoe (and the husband)




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